Noise Management and Mitigation

Nelson Airport is a gateway to Nelson Tasman that enables friends and family to connect whilst stimulating the local economy through trade.

Due to the nature of air travel, noise is unavoidable. Noise is generated through aircraft movements and engineering activities, however Nelson Airport and Airlines are conscious of this and have made a commitment to mitigate noise as low as practicably possible.  

Nelson Airport Noise Management Plan

Nelson Airport has developed a Noise Management Plan to provide the Nelson community, the Nelson Airport Noise Environment Advisory Committee and the Nelson City Council a framework for the management of noise and compliance at Nelson Airport. The plan is reviewed at least every five years. Its most recent review was in 2023.

Nelson Airport Noise Environment Advisory Committee (NANEAC)


A partnership between the airport, operators, and local community was established to facilitate a cooperative approach to managing local airport noise issues. The committee provides advice and assistance to Nelson Airport Limited in its preparation and implementation of a noise management plan for the Airport.


  • To identify community concerns regarding aircraft noise and provide an open and consultative forum for the exchange of information between parties.

  • To receive reports on compliance with the Airport Noise Management Plan resulting from the monitoring programme.

  • To receive the engine testing log from the major aircraft maintenance provider.

  • To regularly review the procedure for handling noise complaints and modify the procedure where necessary.

  • To unanimously nominate the party who is to undertake the Independent Air Noise Compliance Audit at five yearly intervals and within six months of receipt review the Airport Noise Management Plan.

  • To review the Airport Noise Management Plan having regard to the requirements of the Nelson Resource Management Plan and applicable standards.

  • To recommend approval of the Airport Noise Management Plan to the Nelson Airport Limited Board.

Noise Management FAQs

  • Nelson Airport provides facilities for a range of aviation-related activities that benefit the whole region. The nature of air travel means these activities generate noise, which can be heard in neighbouring communities.

    These activities may include:

    • Commercial aircraft taking off and landing

    • Rescue flights at any time of day or night

    • Pilot training circuits in light aircraft

    • General aviation movements (eg. Private, non-commercial flights)

    • Aircraft maintenance, eg. Engine testing

    • Compass swings to calibrate aircraft navigation equipment

  • Nelson Airport is subject to the noise rules set out in the Nelson Resource Management Plan. The rules are intended to set appropriate limits on the level and extent of airport noise, while ensuring airport operations can take place for the benefit of the wider region’s social and economic wellbeing.

    Hours of operation

    Most commercial flights take place between the hours of 6am and 10pm.

    There are no prohibitions on the time of day that aircraft may take off or land, but operators must stay within the noise limits outlined in the Nelson Resource Management Plan.

    Training circuits can be expected up until 10pm, after which restrictions are in place. Other aviation activity may still take place after this time. It is important to recognise that pilots must train in a range of conditions in order to become safe and proficient, including flying at night.

    Engine testing is permitted at any time to ensure aircraft are safe and operational when they are needed and, again, must comply with the noise limits set down by the Nelson City Council.

    Flight noise

    Noise contours are planning boundaries that define the level of noise that can be expected from aircraft operations in areas near the airport, and place limits on how much noise the airport is allowed to generate in these areas. We are currently seeking changes to the existing noise contours, which were based on a different fleet of aircraft and level of activity than exists today. You can read more about that here: Project 2 Zero Noise Management and Mitigation

    We calculate the noise generated by flights to ensure compliance with the contours every month and the calculations are verified through a five-yearly independent audit of noise levels. The most recent audit took place in 2024.

    Engine testing

    Operators at Nelson Airport are allowed to test aircraft engines, including overnight, to ensure aircraft are safe and ready to fly when required. The rules set noise limits for engine testing, with up to 12 exceedances of the limits permitted each year.

    In 2022 Nelson Airport installed a live noise monitor in a residential area near the airport as part of an ongoing commitment to improving the management of airport noise. The monitor allows us to check actual noise levels over time. However, the monitor has limitations. It records noise from all sources, including wind, birds and passing vehicles so it can be difficult to determine if a reading is solely due to an engine test. However, by using the monitor in combination with other tools including a predictive noise model, we are working towards a much greater understanding of actual noise from engine testing to assist our operators in ensuring they remain compliant with the Nelson Resource Management Plan.

  • The Nelson City Council is the regulatory body with powers to ensure compliance with the noise limits set out in its district plan. Nelson Airport takes its responsibility to be a considerate member of the community seriously. We are active in ensuring operators are aware of their responsibilities to comply with the Nelson Resource Management Plan rules, and in responding to any complaints received from members of the public. The airport facilitates a cooperative approach to managing noise through the Nelson Airport Noise Environmental Advisory Committee, which is a partnership between the airport, aircraft operators, and the local community.

  • Airport noise is measured through a mix of predictive modelling supported by noise monitoring equipment and periodic independent audit that is informed by in-field measurement.

    There is a complex formula for determining whether noise meets the compliance threshold, based on New Zealand standards.

    Learn more about measuring aircraft noise

  • You can register a noise complaint through our website, using the Report a Noise Complaint form on this page.

  • All complaints are logged and reviewed monthly. The monthly review examines data provided by airlines, other operators and Airways to support an analysis of the noise levels generated by airport activity. Any exceedances of the noise limits are reported to the Nelson City Council and Nelson Airport Noise Action Council (a community representation group).