Nelson Airport announces changes to board of directors

27 October 2022

  • Long-standing directors Paul Steere and Catherine Taylor retiring

  • Emma Ihaia appointed as director

  • Quinton Hall appointed chairperson; Darren Mark appointed as chair of Audit Committee

The retirement of long-serving Nelson Airport Ltd directors Paul Steere and Catherine Taylor has seen several changes to the makeup of the Nelson Airport board.

Paul and Catherine both ended their service this month, after serving 14 years and nine years respectively on the governing body for the airport and filling the roles of chair and deputy chair.

The airport’s shareholders, the Nelson City and Tasman District councils, appointed new director Darren Mark in May. This month he was joined by a second new Council-appointed director, Emma Ihaia.

At the October board meeting, Quinton Hall was confirmed as the new board chair. Quinton has been a director on the Nelson Airport board since early 2021, and came from a strong background of tourism, primarily with Ngāi Tahu, along with economic development in both executive and governance roles. Darren Mark has been appointed Chair of the Audit Committee.

Quinton Hall paid tribute to the outstanding contributions made by Paul and Catherine.

“Paul and Catherine have led Nelson Airport through significant change and growth during their tenure. Their wisdom, experience and steady leadership have been integral to the success of the business, which is rebounding from the Covid slump of 2020 and 2021 to regain its place as the busiest regional airport in the country providing essential transport links for residents, businesses and visitors to the top of the South.”

Paul said it had been a privilege for himself and Catherine to play a major role in governance of this important gateway for the region.

“We have seen a transition of the team skill set towards being industry professionals, the advent of competitive supply with the limited introduction of Jetstar which set a new level of passenger expectation, the provision of a modern legacy terminal reflecting regional attributes and the resilient response to the challenges of Covid. Our region remains a highly preferred destination and I am confident we will continue to see it grow as a preference in the years ahead. We leave it in good hands.”

Paul also welcomed incoming director Emma. “Emma is an economist with 25 years' experience in economic regulation, competition and commercial analysis. She has held several governance roles, including as a director of Electricity Invercargill Ltd, trustee of the Fifeshire Foundation Charitable Trust, and several education board trustee and chair roles.

“I’m sure Emma and the other directors will continue building a strong and sustainable future for Nelson Airport.”

Photo: New NAL Board Chair Quinton Hall.